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/ 🏠 / APPLICANTS / Study Programmes / Bachelor's Degree Study Programmes (Bc.) / WILDLIFE ANIMAL HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION


Guarantee:Assoc. prof. Hana Banďouchová, PhD, Dipl. ECZM

 Study plans

Decription of the study

The bachelor's level of education in the WILDLIFE ANIMAL HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION study programme is focused on obtaining broad and deep knowledge, experience and skills in the field of wildlife animal biology and ecology (the courses of Biology, Invertebrate and Vertebrate Zoology, Animal Ecology, etc.), animal protection (Care of Injured Animals, Species Protection, etc.), environmental protection (Hydrobiology and Water Protection, Air Protection and Bioclimatology, etc.), wildlife animal health issues (Microbiology, Parasitology, Veterinary Epidemiology, etc.), and molecular biology and molecular biological methods (Molecular Biology). The study also focuses on the legislation on wildlife animal and environmental protection. As part of the study, 3 internships, each lasting one week, will be realized, in rescue stations for injured animals, rescue farms, within the zoo, diagnostic laboratories, and nature protection authorities.

The University of Veterinary Sciences in Brno opened the study course of WILDLIFE ANIMAL HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION in order to satisfy the demand for university-educated professionals in the field of wildlife animal health care and environment protection.

Possible employment

  • organizations dealing with the care of the environment and wildlife animals, rescue stations, rescue farms, national park administrations and protected landscape areas,
  • nature protection authorities (environment departments at regional and municipal authorities),
  • diagnostic laboratories and laboratories focused on analyses within the framework of environmental protection,
  • scientific research organization focused on the field of health issues of wildlife animals and environmental protection.

The course of study

The standard length of bachelor's study in WILDLIFE ANIMAL HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION is three years. The study programme contains study subjects, some of which the student chooses from pairs of compulsory optional subjects according to his/her interest and focus. The basic forms of teaching are lectures, practical exercises, seminars, consultations, individual internships and practice. Furthermore, independent professional work at the institutes and special-purpose facilities of the faculty and the university, as well as independent study. Emphasis is placed on practical teaching aimed at acquiring the student's practical skills. Study success is checked continuously during the semester, at the end of the semester by credit and at the end of the study of the subject by an exam. The state final exam consists of five subjects and the defense of a bachelor's thesis.