Follow-up master's degree study programme FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY
Guarantee:prof. MVDr. Lenka Vorlová, PhD

Study plans

Decription of study

The aim of the follow-up master's degree study programme FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY is to prepare experts at the evel of managers in the area of hygiene and technology of food of animal and plant origin, as well as in the area of food analysis, especially in terms of parameters demonstrating the level of health safety of food, and parameters demonstrating correct hygienic and production practice in food production and processing technology. Graduates are also prepared to work in the area of ecological aspects of production, distribution and sale of food and in the area of management, economics and production legislation.

Possible employment

Agricultural and food institutions

  • independent professional worker in the field of management, control, production, distribution and sale of food
  • Quality manager
  • manager hygieny
  • head of operations and sections
  • internal auditor of food safety and quality management systems
  • leading position in control, development and research workplaces of the food industry

Surveillance of state authorities

  • independent worker for the performance of state supervision over food 
  • Assistant official veterinarian (in the sense of Act No. 166/1999 Coll.) with work in the field of state supervision in animal husbandry with competence to perform selected veterinary services and in the field of processing animal products

State administration bodie (ministry, municipal authorities, police, ...)

  • addressing food safety issues

State and private laboratories

  • control of health safety and quality of raw materials, food and feed
  • independent worker in laboratory diagnostics related to food analysis and in the management and control of quality and hygiene in the field of food

Scientific research activities at universities

  • study of a doctoral study program
  • academic staff

Requirements and prerequisites – more information

Students who have completed their bachelor's degree study programme FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY or a similar field apply to study in the follow-up master's degree study programme. The necessary competence for subsequent master's studies is demonstrated in particular by the results of studies in the bachelor's degree study programme and the results of the entrance exam. Applicants become students of the subsequent master's studies on the day of enrollment.

The course of study

The follow-up master's degree study programme FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY is a two-year course. The study programme contains study subjects, some of which the student chooses from pairs of compulsory optional subjects according to his interest and focus. The basic forms of teaching are lectures, practical exercises, seminars, consultations, teaching in agricultural and food companies and institutions, individual internships and practice. Furthermore, independent professional work at the institutes and special-purpose facilities of the faculty and university, as well as independent study. Emphasis is placed on theoretical teaching leading to the support of students' creative abilities. Study success is checked continuously during the semester, at the end of the semester by credit and at the end of the study of the subject by an exam. The state final exam consists of five subjects and the defense of a diploma thesis.