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Follow-up master's degree study programme FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY IN GASTRONOMY
Guarantee: Assoc. prof. MVDr. Lenka Necidová, PhD

Study plans

Decription of study

The follow-up master's degree study programme FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY IN GASTRONOMY prepares university-educated experts capable of managing, implementing, monitoring and controlling health safety and food quality in open and closed catering establishments. Students will deepen their knowledge of gastronomic technologies, applicable legislation for operations producing food and meals, hygiene rules necessary for the preparation of healthy food and meals, methods, techniques and systems for the preparation and service of meals and beverages, both as part of normal operation in centers public catering, as well as within various social and gastronomic events. Students will also acquire knowledge and skills in the field of modern, environmentally friendly gastronomy.
The study program can rely on high-quality space, equipment, information and personnel support for practical and theoretical teaching at the Faculty of Veterinary Hygiene and Ecology of University of Veterinary Sciences Brno.

Possible employment

Equipment providing catering services, food operations - food production, distribution, storage, sales

  • head of operations and sections
  • food quality manager
  • hygiene manager
  • internal auditor of food safety and quality management systems

Supervisory activitis of state authorities

  • inspector in control and safety of food and meals

Laboratories performing food analysis

  • laboratory and diagnostic activities

Separate business in food and gastronomy

Scientific research activities at the university

  • study of a doctoral study program
  • academic staff

Requirements and prerequisites – more information

Students who have completed their bachelor's degree study programme FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY IN GASTRONOMY or a similar field apply to study in the follow-up master's degree study programme. The necessary competence for subsequent master's studies is demonstrated in particular by the results of studies in the bachelor's degree study programme and the results of the entrance exam. Applicants become students of the subsequent master's studies on the day of enrollment.

The course of study

The follow-up master's degree study programme FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY IN GASTRONOMY is a two years long. The study program contains study courses, some of which the student chooses from pairs of compulsory optional subjects according to his interest and focus. The basic forms of teaching are lectures, practical laboratory and operational exercises, seminars, consultations, teaching in food businesses and catering establishments, individual student internships and practice, independent professional work at institutes and special-purpose facilities of the faculty and university, and further independent study. Emphasis is placed on theoretical teaching leading to the support of students' creative abilities. Study success is checked continuously during the semester, at the end of the semester by credit and at the end of the study of the subject by an exam. The state final exam consists of five subjects and the defense of a diploma thesis.

Provides facilities

According to the possibilities of the university, the students of the faculty are accommodated in university dormitories, where is all the equipments that the student needs. There is a Central Library on the university campus, where you can find a study room for students with the possibility of borrowing professional literature, gaining expertise from world databases in the field of veterinary medicine, food hygiene and technology or animal welfare in a computer room with Internet connection. Furthermore, students can use the private room for learning or relax zone. There is a big sport hall, where the students can play many sports from football to fitness.


Graduates of the follow-up master's degree study programme FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY IN GASTRONOMY become students after completing the final state examination, which includes the defense of a diploma thesis. These graduates are issued a diploma with a certificate of completion of the final state examination and are awarded the title of "Master of Science", abbreviated to "Mgr." before the name. The study is ceremoniously closed with a graduation.