/ 🏠 / ABOUT THE FACULTY / Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure

According to Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on universities and on the amendment and addition of other laws (the law on universities), as amended, (hereinafter referred to as the law) the self-governing bodies of the faculty are the Academic Senate of the faculty, the Dean, the Scientific Board of the faculty and the Disciplinary Commission. Another organ of the faculty is the Secretary.

The Faculty in the executive section is managed by the Dean. The Dean is represented by Vice-Deans – Vice-Dean for Education;Vice-Dean for Science, Research and Foreign Relations and Vice-Dean for Strategy and Development. The economic and administrative running of the Faculty is managed by the Secretary. Self-Governing activities are implemented at the Faculty through the Academic Senate. The issue of educational and scientific activity is discussed in the Scientific Board of the Faculty. For the purpose of effective management of the Faculty, the Dean establishes the Dean's Advisory Bodies, in particular the Dean's College, other Advisory Bodies of the Dean are professional commissions. The administrative activities of the faculty are ensured by the Faculty's Dean's Office.