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Bachelor's Thesis

Bachelor's Thesis

The student completes a study degree program, which includes taking the prescribed courses and completing them with a credit and an exam. At the end of the studies, the student is required to attend classes and pass an exam in the courses representing the courses of the state final exam. Graduates of the bachelor's degree programme become graduates after passing the state final exam, which includes the defense of the bachelor's thesis.

Topics of the bachelor's thesis

The topics of bachelor's thesis and the respective supervisors of these thesis are proposed by the heads of the FVHE departments in the numbers determined by the dean of the FVHE. The topic of the bachelor's thesis must be focused on the following areas:Food safety and quality, Animal protection and welfare, Health safety and food quality in gastronomy.
Heads of institutes shall submit the topics of bachelor's thesis to the FVHE study department no later than April 30 of each academic year.

Publishing topics

Topics agreed by the FVHE dean will be published by the heads of institutes before the beginning of the academic year. Publication of the topics will be done after the dean's approval by posting them on the information board of the relevant deparment, on the bulletin board of the study department and on the FVHE website.

Bachelor's Degree Study Programme (BDSP)


The bachelor's thesis can be processed at FVHE departments or FVL departments and clinics providing integrated teaching, a research institute, a state veterinary institute, or at a similar workplace.
The supervisor of the bachelor's thesis is a VETUNI academic staff at the level of professor, associate professor, assistant professor or assistant, determined by the head of the relevant department. In the event that the thesis is processed at a workplace outside VETUNI, the employee of the given workplace outside VETUNI, under whose leadership the work is processed, is appointed as the supervisor - specialist.

Signing up to process a bachelor's thesis

The student is obliged to apply for the processing of a bachelor's thesis on the selected topic, to the relevant thesis supervisor. In the event that the topic is already occupied by another student, he is obliged to apply to work on a bachelor's thesis on another topic and to the supervisor corresponding to this topic.
The student is obliged to register for the processing of the bachelor's thesis no later than October 31 in the 3rd semester of the study. The student has the right to propose to the thesis supervisor his topic of the bachelor's thesis, however, the processing of the bachelor's thesis on this topic is subject to the approval of the thesis supervisor.
By November 30, the head of the department will ensure that the thesis is submitted, including the exact title in English, principles for processing the thesis (procedure) and a list of suitable literature to IS STAG. Prioritized institutes will hand over to the FVHE study department a list of students, their topics and relevant supervisors and the original completed assignment forms stamped and signed by the student and the head of the department by November 30 of each academic year. The original of the form signed by the dean will be kept at the deparment. Opponents' names are entered into IS STAG no later than December 31 of the 5th semester of the study.

The Defense of the bachelor's thesis

The defense of the bachelor's thesis takes place on a date determined by the dean of FVHE as part of the state final exam before a committee appointed by the dean of FVHE. The defense takes place in the form of a debate between the student and members of the committee. The defense is managed by the chairman of the committee or, in his absence, another member of the committee authorized by the dean of the faculty.

The Progress of the defense is usually as follows:

  • the chairman of the commission will start the defense of the bachelor's thesis
  • the student will state the basic points of the bachelor's thesis (approx. 10 min.)
  • the chairman or a committee member authorized by him will inform the committee and the student of the content of the opponent's assessment
  • the supervisor of the bachelor's thesis or an authorized member of the committee submits to the committee the evaluation of the student by the supervisor - Statement of the supervisor of the thesis
  • the student comments on the opponent's assessment
  • the student will answer the questions of the participants in the debate

The progress of the debate, taking into account the assessment of the supervisor and the opponent, will be evaluated by the commission in a closed meeting of the commission members.

Classification of the bachelor's thesis and defense:

  • excellent A
  • excellent B
  • very well C
  • very well D
  • ok E
  • failed FX
  • failed F

The result of the defense of the bachelor's thesis, including the grade of fail FX or fail F, will be recorded by the chairman of the commission in the overview of the completed exams (protocol) and IS STAG. The chairman of the commission will record the course and result of the defense of the bachelor's thesis in the protocol on the state final exam.