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Final Thesis

OVERVIEW OF REALIZED FINAL THESIS - search by faculty (FVHE, FVL), year, type of thesis (bachelor's, diploma, rigorous, dissertation)

 The Directive of the Dean No. 2/2019 - Rules for processing, submitting, defending and publishing final theses at the Faculty of Veterinary Hygiene and Ecology 

Rules for submitting final theses
(based on rules set out in The Directive od the Dean No. 2/2019)

  • The student submits the printed version of the final thesis in two tightly bound copies
  • The Student Declaration, Author's Declaration and Author's Confirmation forms are a tightly bound part of the printed version of the final thesis
  • The student uploads the electronic version of the final thesis, identical to the printed version of the thesis, as a PDF format file to the IS STAG
  • The head of the department is responsible for checking the data entered for the final theses in the IS STAG
  • The head of the department shall ensure the preparation of the supervisor's assessment and the opponent's assessment
  • Both assessments must contain a grade classification of:excellent A, excellent B, very good C, very good D, good E - all with the recommendation for the defense, or fail F with no recommendation for the defense
  • The head of the department ensures that the printed copy of the final thesis submitted by the student and the original of the thesis supervisor's assessment and the opponent's assessment are handed over to the study department
  • The student can pick up a copy of the assessments at the relevant department

The final thesis must meet the following requirements:

  • it is submitted for defense in English language, if it is a study in the English study programme,
  • the title and focus of the thesis and its formal and content arrangement correspond to the requirements stated in the Directive of the Dean No. 2/2019
  • each final thesis includes an abstract

Submitting a bachelor's thesis (procedure in IS STAG) – the student

1. In the IS STAG portal interface, in the menu: My study – Final thesis – Complete data about Bachelor thesis the student fills in the following items:

  • annotation (abstract) and keywords, scope of the thesis
  • do not fill in the title of the thesis, other items are optional

2. Save data
3. Tab Final thesis in electronic form – Electronic thesis submussions form – attach file (submit the thesis in electronic form)

  • select the file, upload and save
  • the file must be in PDF format and its size must not exceed 10 MB
  • recommended file name:Personalnumber_Surname_bp_yearofsubmission.pdf (e.g.:H12345_Novak_bp_2025.pdf)